Universal access to health services, including sexual and reproductive health services, is a human right
by Admin
Posted on 06-03-2023 12:13 AM
Sexual and reproductive health is a lifetime concern for both women and men, from infancy to old age. Evidence shows that reproductive health in any of these life stages has a profound effect on one's health later in life. Unfpa supports programmes tailored to what people face at different times in their lives, including comprehensive sexuality education , family planning , pre-conception care, antenatal and safe delivery care , post-natal care, services to prevent sexually transmitted infections (including hiv ), and services facilitating preventive screening, early diagnosis and treatment of reproductive health illnesses including breast and cervical cancer.
To support sexual and reproductive health throughout the life cycle, services across a variety of sectors must be strengthened, from health, including the health workforce, to education systems to even transport systems, which are required to ensure health care is accessible.
Sexual and reproductive health (srh) is a field of research, healthcare, and social activism that explores the health of an individual's reproductive system and sexual wellbeing during all stages of their life. The term can also be further defined more broadly within the framework of the world health organization 's (who) definition of health ―as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"― to denote sexual wellbeing, encompassing the ability of an individual to have responsible, satisfying and safe sex and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so.
The department of health's sexual and reproductive health program collaborates with other organizations and state agencies to increase access and decrease barriers to sexual and reproductive health information and services. Our goal is to increase the ability of people of all genders to achieve their optimal sexual and reproductive health. We support screening and preventive services, best practices for client-centered care, and community outreach. We help people achieve their desired number of children, including no children, and determine the timing and spacing of pregnancies. We do this by providing funding for direct services, facilitating coordination between stakeholders, collaborating with other state agencies, and working toward state policies that are equitable and inclusive.
Human rights: Comprehensive sexuality education
Best practices in sexual health education focus on the importance of the role of teachers and ensuring that they are well
One of the most critical factors that influence the effectiveness of sexual health education programs is the
comfort and skill level of the teacher. Teachers need to be well prepared to educate students about sexuality. This preparation
includes a strong and comprehensive teacher pre-service program, coupled with ongoing professional development that increases
knowledge, skills, and comfort level in the following areas:
scientific and medically accurate information about human sexuality topics;
comfort with the topic;
creating a comfortable and safe learning environment for all students;
using a variety of engaging teaching methods; and.
All older adults, no matter their gender or sexual orientation, should have the opportunity to enjoy a satisfying and fulfilling sex life. Interest in sex and sexual activity declines to some extent with increasing age. Part of healthy aging is knowing how your sexual responses and feelings change and learning how to enjoy your sex life despite these changes. Basic facts.
In this wbur radio interview, sharon bober, phd, discusses the important facts about sex and sexual health all cancer patients should know before, during, and after treatment. Watch the video.
Having a fulfilling sex life can improve your overall well-being and even lower the risk of developing certain diseases. Yet, without knowing how to maintain your sexual health, you may not enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction that sex can bring. Read on to discover some sexual health facts and tips that can make sex a more enjoyable activity in your relationship.