Guide to Sex After 60
by Admin
Posted on 27-03-2023 04:53 AM
American psychological association. "aging and human sexuality resource guide. " (june 5, 2011) http://www. Apa. Org/pi/aging/resources/guides/sexuality. Aspx
avni, sheerly. "sex and the senior citizen. " salon. Com. May 29, 2003. (june 6, 2011) http://dir. Salon. Com/mwt/feature/2003/05/29/juska/index. Html
bloom, patricia. "sex in the later years. " sexualhealth. Com. (june 5, 2011) http://www. Sexualhealth. Com/article/read/men-sexual-health/erectile-dysfunction-issues/412/
bradford, andrea and cindy m. Meston. "senior sexual health: the effects of aging on sexuality.
" innovations in clinical practice: focus on sexual health. " (june 5, 2011) http://homepage. Psy. Utexas. Edu/homepage/group/mestonlab/publications/bradford&meston_aging07. Pdf
the kinsey institute for research in sex, gender, and reproduction. "sex and aging. " frequently asked sexuality questions to the kinsey institute.
Talk to Your Doctor
Your health also can have a big impact on your sex life and sexual performance.
If you or your partner is in poor health or has a chronic health condition, such as heart disease or arthritis, sex and intimacy become more challenging. Certain surgeries and many medications, such as blood pressure medications, antihistamines, antidepressants and acid-blocking drugs, can affect sexual function. But don’t give up. You and your partner can experiment with ways to adapt to your limitations. For example, if you’re worried about having sex after a heart attack, talk with your doctor about your concerns. If arthritis pain is a problem, try different sexual positions or try using heat to alleviate joint pain before or after sexual activity.
Ed can be embarrassing. Many men don’t mention it, even to their doctor. On the other hand, men who do see the doctor can be so focused on their distress in the bedroom that they fail to mention other worrying symptoms, says blaha. “too many men ignore heart disease symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain. ” if you have ed, talk to your doctor about being screened
for risk factors such as high blood pressure , diabetes and heart disease , especially if you’ve noticed other symptoms., this misconstruction ignores those whose sex partner has passed away or has a serious health condition, and also older people who are lgbtq. In interactions with older patients, physicians need to consider forms of sexual activity beyond penetrative sex, and to include oral sex, kissing, fondling, and solo sex (masturbation) in the conversation. The third misconception is that older adults are not at risk of sexually transmitted diseases, and therefore there is no need to ask about their sexual history or discuss their sexual behaviours. The rate of sexually transmitted infections among those aged 55 years or older has consistently increased and has more than doubled over the past decade.
This calculator will show you the average number of additional years a person can expect to live, based only on the sex and date of birth you enter.
You can take steps to protect your penis health and overall health. For example: be sexually responsible. Use condoms or maintain a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who's been tested and is free of sexually transmitted infections. Get vaccinated. If you're age 26 or younger, consider the human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine to help prevent cancers associated with the virus. Stay physically active. Moderate physical activity can significantly reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction. Make healthy choices. Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of developing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and other risk factors for erectile dysfunction.